Kims On Powell Tae Know DO Self Defense

12447 SE Powell Blvd
Portland , OR  97236

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Kims On Powell Tae Know DO Self Defense, Portland

This is the business contact information for Kims On Powell Tae Know DO Self Defense, which is located at 12447 SE Powell Blvd in Portland. Feel free to call them at (503) 761-4526. If you know the owner of Kims On Powell Tae Know DO Self Defense remind them to claim their listing here - it's free and has many benefits! If you feel we have miscategorized Kims On Powell Tae Know DO Self Defense and they shouldn't be in the Martial Arts category, please click the "New Category" button below. For driving directions to 12447 SE Powell Blvd in Portland please scroll down and click on the "View Larger Map" link below the map on the right of the screen. Do you know the owner of this business? If so, let them know that they can upload a video of Kims On Powell Tae Know DO Self Defense for free!


Martial Arts