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Different Drummer Acupuncture
7380 SW Gable Park Rd
Portland, Oregon, 97225
(503) 291-9116
Herrin Rebecca Lac
3133 NE Prescott St
Portland, Oregon, 97211
(503) 282-5666
The Qi Spot
512 nw 17th ave
Portland, Oregon, 97029
Apple Wellness
1320 SW 2nd Ave
Portland, Oregon, 97201
(503) 224-0588
AnSen Clinic
3322 SE Taylor St
Portland, Oregon, 97214
(503) 473-2914
Martin Peter Lac Lmt
1920 NW Johnson St
Portland, Oregon, 97209
(503) 294-0162
Hawthorne Wellness Center
3942 SE Hawthorne Blvd
Portland, Oregon, 97214
(503) 235-5484
Bean Tami Lac
2311 E Burnside St
Portland, Oregon, 97214
(503) 233-3786
Acupuncture and Botanical Center of Oregon
327 NW Couch St.
Portland, Oregon, 97209
(503) 227-7900
Haosheng Acupuncture-Natural Medicine Clinic
4160 SE Division St
Portland, Oregon, 97202
(503) 238-0606
Regina Pain Clinic
7825 SE Foster Rd
Portland, Oregon, 97206
(503) 771-1345
Tripp Katya Lac
1330 SE 39th Ave
Portland, Oregon, 97214
(503) 502-3815
Inner Gate Acupuncture
1421 SE Ankeny St.
Portland, Oregon, 97214
(503) 284-6996
Jade Medicine
2861 NE MLK Blvd
Portland, Oregon, 97212
(503) 816-0173
Maddeford Anne Mac Om Lac
1034 SE Sandy Blvd
Portland, Oregon, 97214
(503) 234-2889
Lovetere Gwen Lac
4440 SW Corbett Ave
Portland, Oregon, 97239
(503) 224-9944
Corbett Healing Center
3607 SW Corbett Ave
Portland, Oregon, 97239
(503) 241-8652
Flying Crane Acupuncture
6501 SE King Rd
Portland, Oregon, 97222
(503) 863-5939
Trumbo Warren Lac
2216 SE 50th Ave
Portland, Oregon, 97215
(503) 234-2539
Acupuncture For Wellness
2100 SE Lake Rd
Portland, Oregon, 97222
(503) 786-0771
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